How It Works

Community-Driven Approach

The heart of "Eternal Yokai" lies in its community. Participants from around the world, each with a passion for folklore, AI technology, or digital art, contribute ideas, discuss concepts, and provide feedback on the images generated by the AI. This collective input shapes the direction and evolution of the project.

Anonymous Developer

An anonymous developer founded the project and designed the initial AI algorithms that create the Yokai images. While the developer's identity remains undisclosed, their role is pivotal in setting up and maintaining the core technologies and frameworks that enable the AI's creative process.

Moderators as Bridges:

Key to the project's management are moderators, selected from the community for their dedication and insight. These moderators have special access to the project's social media channels and repositories, acting as the link between the community and the underlying technical processes.
They ensure that the community's voice is heard, collecting suggestions and feedback, and communicating these to the developer. In return, they relay updates, technical changes, and future plans from the developer back to the community.

Continuous Interaction and Development

Interaction between the community, moderators, and the developer is continuous and dynamic. Through forums, social media, and regular updates to the project repository, the project evolves based on what the community desires. This might involve adjusting the AI to explore different artistic styles, introducing new types of Yokai, or improving the quality of the images.

Growth and Evolution:

As moderators manage the day-to-day interactions and growth of the social media presence, they encourage more enthusiasts to join the project, expanding the community and, by extension, the diversity of ideas and creative input. This expansion helps in evolving the project further, potentially leading to new applications of the AI-generated Yokai, such as in digital art galleries, educational tools, or interactive media.

In essence, "Eternal Yokai" is a collaborative fusion of art, folklore, and technology, growing and morphing through community input under the guidance of an unseen hand. It’s a testament to how modern technology can reconnect us with traditional stories and bring them to life in entirely new ways.

Work Flow

How to be Moderator

Option 1: Application
  • Interested community members can fill out an application form expressing their interest in becoming a moderator and their vision for the community.
  • The developer conducts a background check on the nominated candidates and approves them based on their qualifications and suitability for the role.
  • Selected moderators will be featured on our Community Team page and invited to join our exclusive internal Telegram group, where they can collaborate closely with the developer and other team members.
Option 2: Community Vote
  • Interested community members can fill out an application form expressing their interest in becoming a moderator and their vision for the community.
  • Candidates will be listed on Community Page. Community members could vote for their preferred candidates, and the candidate with the highest number of votes is selected as a moderator.
  • Selected moderators will be featured on our Community Team page and invited to join our exclusive internal Telegram group, where they can collaborate closely with the developer and other team members.

How to be Project Collaborator

  • Interested community members can fill out an application form expressing their interest in becoming a developer.
  • The developer conducts a background check on the nominated candidates and approves them based on their qualifications and suitability for the role.
  • Selected moderators will be featured on our Community Team page and invited to join our exclusive internal Telegram group, where they can collaborate closely with the developer and other team members.
  • Selected candidates will be granted access to our project repository, enabling them to contribute directly to the development and growth of the Eternal Yokai project.